I would like to thank everyone who attended the 2018 PSARC Hamfest.
We look forward to seeing you next year. Please be bare with me With this Page I will update it when time permits Pat VA3PMJ
I would also like to thank our sponsors.
Icom Canada
Fleetwood DP
President Electronics
Photos from the 2018 Hamfest
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So people have asked. The Parry Sound 33 forest fire is not affecting the Parry Sound Amateur Radio Club Hamfest we are having on August 11 2018.
The Hamfest is still on as planed thank you for your concerns.

PSARC 2018 Hamfest
Saturday August 11 2018
Nobel Ontario
148 Hammel Rd P2A 2W9
McDougall Recreation Center
Talk in on Club Repeater VE3RPL 2 METER VHF 145.490MHz (-600Khz) PL tone 156.7Hz
General Admission **Free**
Vendor Costing Info
Indoor 1st Table $10 2nd and more $5 Each. Supply your own table(s) $7
Outdoor 1st Table $7 2nd and more $5 Each. Supply your own Table(s) $5 Flat rate
*** Open to Vendors 7am ***
*** Open to Public 9am ***
****Free Coffee Till its Gone****
To Pre order Tables Use the Contact Us Page

ICOM Canada Will be attending and have a display Booth set up
List of Sponsors

We will have tables set up from the Late Steve Serheniuk VE3BYS/VE3YZW. There will be at least 4+ Tables from his Estate. Lots Of Motorola Business Band Mobile and Hand Held Radios also some other items like Antennas. All proceeds from Radio Sales will go to His Wife and Daughter
PSARC will be Net Controller for The Ontario Amateur Radio Service Net Time 8-9AM Frequency
3.755 MHz LSB Operation as VE3PSH (Vector Echo 3 Papa Sierra Hotel)

There will Be a Demo on The new digital mode FT8 as well as a SDR Aircraft Radar Tracking Demo
If you are planning on attending and are on Facebook Please visit our event page PSARC 2018 Facebook Event Page
Past Hamfest Photos Courtesy Of ONTARS Website

I would like to thank our sponsors for the great prizes we will be offering at the Hamfest
Elecraft XG3 Programmable Signal Generator
Elecraft’s XG3 programmable signal generator is a versatile signal source with four calibrated output levels that covers the 160 through 2 meter bands. It’s ideal for receiver calibration, sensitivity tests, signal tracing, and as a VFO for home-brew projects. The USB interface cable allows computer setup of frequency, sweep range, speed and steps or jumps to bands, output level and more! It’s also useful outdoors—for antenna evaluation, field strength measurements, micro-power CW beacons for T-hunts, etc

Although the case design is familiar, the radio inside is not. BTech has recently introduced the new UV-5X3 to the US Ham Radio market. This radio is a true triband transceiver with internal filters specifically configured for triband operation.The firmware in this radio has been reworked to include several new features not found in similar appearing radios.

Kenwood 70th anniversary CW Vibroplex Vibrocube Key
Vibrocube Standard: non-jeweled spring-loaded movement iambic paddle with ECO-BLACK powdercoated textured base and top parts.

The RSP1A is our new improved entry-level receiver—it is a powerful wideband full featured 14 bit SDR and perfect as an all round general coverage communications receiver plus much much more.

The Handie Talkie Headset (HTH) is a single-sided or dual-sided, lightweight headset designed for use with popular handheld transceivers. The HTH provides hands-free and discreet two-way communication while maintaining the comfort necessary for extended use in moderate noise environments. The single-sided model features a left or right ear adaptable earpiece and both models have an in-line Push-to-Talk switch. iCom, Yaesu, and Kenwood/Baofeng.

President Electronics
New 21st Centry High End Loaded CB Radio with Weatherbands! Has AM/USB/LSB modes, Scan, MultiColor Selectable Display, Mi & RF Gain, Noise Blanker, Switchable Talkback and Roger Beep. Also features Unique “beep Sound” SWR Meter feature, Vox, Automatic Squelch, Dual Watch and More!! Operates from 12 to 24Vdc

Retivis Aluince HD1 DMR Handheld
HD1 dual band digital radio uses Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) Tier 2 Standard protocol. It is compatible with the popular MOTO TRBO series Tier I and II using standard encryption, as well as other makes and models of DMR supported radios. It is also compatible with any existing analog two-way radio operating on the supported UHF and VHF frequencies for easy migration to digital technology. And almost all the operations can be done via radio keypad.

Icom IC-V80
Icom radios are built tough, Icom’s most economical 2M, is no exception. The IC-V80 military rugged handheld offers water resistance and superior protection against dust and dirt (IP54). Not only compact and rugged, the V80 comes with plenty of talk power at 5 watts. The IC-V80 is ideal for your most challenging on-the-go ham operations.

Plus Hats and 4$25 gift Cards from Radio World and 4 $25 Gift Cards from Fleetwood Digital.